Sunday, August 29, 2010

Luck Factor

Yes, I believe in luck and I also believe in fate. To me everything happens for a reason and sometimes we are powerless to prevent or change it.

When my  luck is down and I wont feel good at that moment but I belive it will change, also if I have lots of good luck I’ll be  prepared for that to change too. 'Nothing very very good or very very bad lasts for very very long'

I’m not saying that only the lucky succeed . No, not necessarily. Even though you want to have luck on your side and it certainly doesn’t hurt to be a little lucky, you can still convert the  odds in your favour.If you’re sitting around and waiting for success to fall in your lap, it’s probably not going to happen.

If you head out with energy and determination, working hard to achieve your goals, you are more likely to attract success.

I believe that hard work, experience, prayers and respect to elders will always be rewarded. I believe that our level of success is directly proportional to our efforts, but that’s very rarely the case. 

Luck always plays a role, not only in winning the lottery, but just in life in general J

1 comment:

Amit said...

Again one more powerful write up on Self esteem.. Good one, nice to read.. :-)