Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Is Money Everything in life ???????

I am wring about a piece of paper…which is important part of our life

We Like it.. We Want it… We Waste it… But you just cannot ignore it..That is MONEY

You must have read those lines somewhere...
Money can buy you Bed but not Sleep;
Money can buy you Medicine but not Health;
Money can buy you House but not Home..Etc Etc
Ages after ages it was put in our mind that we must remain happy and contended with what we have. But today's generation like me and just about everyone in this competitive world are running after one sole thing: money and creation of wealth.

Lots of things that money can't buy but there are so many things that make life worst without money. ohhhhhh this is weird right? I guess we all need money in order to live and make life's pleasure reachable.

But there are different ways in which different human beings think. For some wealth creation is large quantity of money while for some others it could be just living joyfully.

Money can give you pleasures of life and help you realise your fantasies subsequent creation of wealth can buy happiness to some extent.

I think money for life is like what blood is for body. Like blood is not everything but for a body to function you need blood to flow. Similarly, money is not everything but it is required to live life independently.

Money can prevent the sufferings that come with poverty like cold and hunger. While sickness can not be totally wipe out by money, it can be considerably relieved by it.

We should require  money for a decent living, , to take care of your immediate expenses & bring up your children in a better way.
Giving away money to charity provide us with the satisfaction of relieving others from suffering.
It is a fundamental factor for surviving but it is not most essential as compared to love , family & Relationships.

One must try to earn money to have a better living but should not live only to earn money.It is not a negligible one also as it is compulsion to have money to enjoy the life.

Money is essential part of the life....but not the life..SO MANTRA  for cheerful life is….Earn handful, save little for future and live a peaceful life.... :)

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