Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Me ....!!! :)

I’m thinking about how I’d like my life to change over the course of the next 6 months.

I like setting goals, sure. But I’m easily side-tracked, de-railed and discouraged – so goal setting has always been kinda useless for me. 

I’m the type that if I wanna do it, I’ll just do it until it’s done. No lead up, no getting there slowly – like a bull ha ha…(as my family used to say).

This time I’m not setting goals – I’m making vow. Because I hold them higher,  I intend to keep until the moment I fulfill it ..

Here I go …. I vow to:
  • Become the best me  {physical & mental} that my time, finances and personal strength permit ...
  • Trust my instincts more – to stop second guessing myself and have some damn confidence in my decisions …
  • Stop being concerned what the rest of the world says about me.. I am thinking most people are far too busy thinking about themselves, If it at all they concerned then may be their life is less interesting than mine. :)
  • Stop being concerned that my  life and career aren't working out the way I planned.. Now that I know what I want I  throw the plan away and keep my eyes on reality.
  • Don’t let others use me to avoid being responsible for their own decisions.  It’s their life. They have to live it. I  can’t do it for them; nor I can stop them from messing it up ,if they’re determined to do so.
  • Give up on feeling guilty.  I feel guilty about  few things I've done, I either did or do  something to put it right or accepted I screwed up,  however  for sure try not to do so again .. Guilt changes nothing it can’t produce anything new in my life so I let it go.
  • Stop Judging myself ..It is pointless. Whatever I achieve, someone else will always do better. However bad I am, others are worse. Since I can tell neither what’s best nor what’s worst, I stop judge myself.
  • Make more time to spend  with my Son..
  • Cultivate new friendships (online and offline) because I need more of a support system than I currently have and it’s time I start asking for assistance instead of pretending I can do it all. 

From this moment it  is about me. Growing me mentally. Shrinking me physically. Strengthening me from the inside out. LOVING ME for once again– because then I can set a proper example for my ever-learning Son, It’s high time to get back to the essential !!!!!!

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